Children and climate change: a struggle for a livable future
January 20, 2020
Children comprise 43,33% of the total Philippine population1. 31% of them live below the poverty line and mostly belong to poor peasant and worker families. According to the Task Force Children of the Storm2, these children are the most vulnerable to climate change. Malnutrition and infectious diseases represent the largest share of the burden of childhood disease and death due to climate change. To date, 1 child in every 5 is wasted and 1 child in every 3 is stunted3. Children die of common ailments like measles because of complications secondary to poor nutrition. For this year alone, dengue claimed the lives of more than a thousand children, with a 95% increase in incidence nationwide, attributed to climate-related vector proliferation and the low immunity of malnourished victims. Because of climate change, the worst is yet to come for Filipino children.
Solidagro and Philippine partners promote agroecology through fair
December 11, 2019
To raise public awareness and understanding of agroecology, Solidagro and its Philippine partners held an agroecology fair last December 1. The event also sought to amplify the calls to support local producers, protect the ecosystems, and attain sustainable food systems.
Let's talk about our rights - A meeting in Senegal between partners
August 27, 2019
In April, Viva Salud, KIYO and Solidagro brought together their partner organizations from Morocco, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, DR Congo and Burundi in Senegal for an exchange on the strategy and good experiences of each in the defence of the rights of all.
We started by exchanging the specificities of our approach, the rights-based approach, by sharing experiences from the field. Each country presented the pillars that seem to be the most important.
What Palestinian and Filipino partners learn from each other
August 23, 2019
In April, Viva Salud, KIYO and Solidagro organized a partner meeting in Manila for an evaluation of a common programme. It was also an opportunity to invite three representatives from Viva Salud Palestinian partners. This resulted in surprising discoveries, fascinating encounters and warm solidarity.
Eufemia: First Lumad leader in Philippine Congress
July 25, 2019
Lumad (collective term for indigenous peoples in southern Philippine island of Mindanao) leader Bai Eufemia Cullamat has made history. She is about to become the first-ever Lumad leader from the grassroots to be sworn in as a member of Congress. She is the third nominee of the progressive party list Bayan Muna (People First) that won three seats in the last mid-term elections in the Philippines.
Statement ALCADEV
July 4, 2019
June 22, 2019 - Statement of Anyadan Sumisilat Learners’ Organization (ASLO), ALCADEV learners organization
We the students of the Alternative learning Center for Agricultural and Livelihood Development (ALCADEV) open the School Year 2019-2020 with joy and enthusiasm.
CCNCI commemorates Earth Day and March for Science
July 3, 2019
Climate Change Network for Community-based Initiatives (CCNCI), together with other environmental groups and advocates, commemorated Earth Day and March for Science by organizing events and mobilizing people to amplify the call for climate justice and the protection of the environment.
CCNCI joins watchdog vs Manila Bay reclamation
May 22, 2019
Solidagro partner, Climate Change Network for Community-based Initiatives (CCNCI), joined around 200 people belonging to the environmental, urban poor, fisherfolk, women and church-based organizations in launching the Manila Baywatch, a watchdog alliance to monitor developments in the government's rehabilitation and reclamation programs in Manila Bay.
Identify projects contributing to Neutrality in terms of Land restoration Land restoration by women contributing to Land Neutrality
March 13, 2019
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