Our Phone Number: +32 3 777 20 15 Our Email Address: info@solidagro.be

Privacy policy

Solidagro is a non-profit association and as such is responsible for dealing with your personal data.  If, upon reading this privacy declaration, you have questions regarding this declaration, or you wish to contact us, please do so using following contact details :

Solidagro vzw
Mercatorstraat 81
9100 Sint-Niklaas
03 777 20 15

A privacy declaration – why ?

Solidagro attaches great value to the protection of your personal data, and finds it of the utmost importance to respect your privacy.  In this privacy declaration we wish to communicate clearly and transparently which data are gathered by us and how we deal with these personal data.  We do everything which is in our power to guarantee your privacy and therefore personal data are dealt with with the utmost care.  In any case Solidagro vzw follows all applicable laws and rules.

Content of the privacy declaration

The use of personal data should comply with the criteria below :

  • Only the personal data included in this privacy declaration are being kept;
  • The use of the personal data is limited to those data which are needed minimally to attain the goals for which they are needed;
  • When personal data are used, explicit permission has to be asked;
  • Suitable  technical and organizational measures are being taken to protect these data;
  • No personal data whatsoever will be transmitted to other parties without explicit permission.

Why do we use personal data ?

Solidagro uses your personal data for following purposes :

  • Contractual reasons : to be able to imply labour contracts, volunteer agreements or other agreements;
  • Obligations enforced upon us  by law : in order to edit and send fiscal certificates  or apply for subsidies with the government.
  • Justified interests : to deal with donations and keep donors informed of our actions and fundraising.
  • Explicit permission : mailing of a digital newsletter to keep you informed of our actions, projects and activities, corresponding as much as possible to your interests.

Personal data used by Solidagro

Below an overview of the personal data which may be asked by Solidagro :

  • Name and surname
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Bank account No.
  • Other personal details (including your specific interests), which you are sharing with us actively by means of participating in activities, doing specific donations, through personal contact, correspondance and contacts by phone.

Where does Solidagro keep these personal data ?

Solidagro vzw has concluded an agreement with an external provider of a CRM-data base system, which is used to support us in keeping these personal data.

Procurios België
Wupstraat 45 
2800 Mechelen
03 237 41 45

This system complies with all privacy conditions and security regulations to protect your personal data against unauthorised access or use.  All persons that have access to your data on behalf of Solidagro vzw, are obliged to keep these confidential.  We make back-ups of the personal data in order to be able to restore our data base in case of physical or technical incidents.  We regularly test and evaluate our measures, at least once a year, and our personnel is well informed on the importance of protecting personal data.

Peculiar or sensitive personal data used by us

Solidagro vzw has no intention of gathering personal data on persons below 16 years of age.  Sensitive personal data which might be dealt with, are removed immediately.  If you are convinced that we have gathered, without permission, personal data on a minor or have kept sensitive information, please contact us immediately and we shall remove this information at once.

Term of keeping

Solidagro vzw shall not keep your personal data any longer then necessary to realise the goals for which your personal data were gathered.  The term of keeping cannot exceed 5 years after the last registered contact (e.g. sending of a newsletter, contact by phone, …) unless there is a legal obligation to keep certain data for a longer time.

Sharing with others

Solidagro vzw shall only share your data with others because of following reasons :

  • Because we have to use a third party because of technical reasons (e.g. web hosting, CRM software, …);
  • If this is necessary to be able to fulfil a personal agreement;
  • We never share personal data with other parties except those with whom we concluded a collaboration agreement.

On top of this, we shall never share personal data you have given us  with third parties, unless we have to fulfil a legal obligation, such as our statement to the  Administration of Finance (FOD Financiën) with regard to fiscal certificats.

Perusal, change or deletion of personal data

You have the right to peruse your personal data, to change these at all times or to have these deleted. You can send a request to peruse, change or delete to info@solidagro.be.  Solidagro vzw will react to  your request as soon as possible and ultimately within 4 weeks.

Management of cookies

What are cookies ?

A cookie is a small text item which is stored by a website on your computer or mobile device when you are visiting this website.  In this way the website remembers your preferences (such as the language) in order to make sure you do not have to fill these preferences in over and over again every time you click to other pages.  Solidagro uses cookies to boost the functioning of the website.  By storing cookies on your computer, Solidagro is able to manage in a simple way your visit to our website, to personalize and to ameliorate your user experience during your visit to the site.

Functional and analytical cookies

Functional cookies are being installed to facilitate the use of our website.

However, besides these functional cookies, analytical cookies are being installed which gather anonymous data on each visit to the site, such as the number of visitis, the average time spent on the site, the location of the user, the browser used or the pages visited.  These anonymous data  allow us to analyse the behaviour of our visitors during their navigation on the site and therefore optimalise our website.

Switching off cookies

You may choose to switch off cookies.  You do so by using the possibilities provided by your browser.

Procedure in case of complaints

Should you have a complant regarding the use of your personal data, please contact us immediately through info@solidagro.be of by phone to +32 (3) 777 2015.  You have at all times the right to submit a complaint with the Privacy Commission, which is the official authority installed to protect privacy.

If you choose to fill in the complaint registration form on our website, the content of the complaint and the personal data will be sent to and kept by the complaint managers.

Modification of the privacy declaration

The most recent privacy declaration is always at your disposal on our website www.solidagro.be.  We shall inform you of any modication of this privacy declaration via our website.  Elder editions will be kept in our archives and can always be asked for via info@solidagro.be.

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